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TEAK – quality, comfort & style


TEAK – quality, comfort & style

Teak trees grow naturally in south and southeast Asia where they form vast monsoon forests. The trees are source of very valuable timber of unique attributes which is numbered among the most important types of utility timber imported from Asia. Because of those attributes teak trees are also grown in plantations.


The colour of teak wood ranges from yellowish to dark brown; the wood is medium hard and extremely durable. The implements made of teak wood more than 1000 years ago persisted up to the present day.


The extraordinary attributes of that wood come from the high content of rubber, oils and silicic acid. Thanks to them the teak wood is naturally protected against rotting, chemical substances (it was applied in making battery casings), as well as against pests (even the shipworm). The timber does not absorb water nor contaminants, has stable shrinking and swelling characteristics, is abrasion resistant, and even as wet is an excellent anti-slippery coating.


All the attributes for centuries have made the teak wood a highly appreciated and sought after raw material, applied mainly in boatbuilding. Nowadays it is mainly used in yacht construction for deck covering and making the finishing woodwork. Polish sailing ships as, among others, "Dar Młodzieży", "Pogoria" or "Fryderyk Chopin" have teak decks. More and more often teak finds its application also ashore in finishing terraces, or as a flooring in rooms with high moisture level (bathrooms, swimming pools, spa, etc.). The wood is applied in production of garden, bathroom and kitchen furniture.


Surfaces made of teak do not require any special maintenance, they are easy to clean, and also bring the feeling of warmth and unobtrusive elegance.

2025  Teakworld      Designed by ArtMk.pl

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